The gun holsters which are designed in the model of crossdraw fashion are known as crossdraw holsters. This is one of the most popular types of holsters amongst shooters. These holsters are very comfortable and are made with high-quality leather. It is made in different styles, sizes, and colors.
How is a crossdraw holster carried?
The crossdraw holster is usually carried in this manner, placing the holster on the weak side of the body, usually 9’o’ clock to 11’o’ clock position for right-handers and 1’o’ clock to 3’o’ clock position for left-handers. However, it still depends on the user, according to his or her comfort. Then, is keeping the pistol in the holster, in such a way that the butt-ending face of the pistol, in the holster is forward or outside. Then easily, to pull out the gun, all a person must do is reach around the body, with the dominant hand, catch the backside of the gun and pull it out of the holster and operate it. However, it is not as easy as it sounds in the steps of arranging and carrying the holster. The whole process is quite a risky one for the shooter using it. A person must give in a lot of practice to have a smooth and safe experience.
Pros of Crossdraw Holster
The crossdraw holster has a lot of pros and a very few cons. Some of the pros of crossdraw holster are:
- It is proven that the cross-draw holster tends to improve the ability of the gun owners or the shooters to defend themselves from the danger that comes their way. It is modeled and fashioned in such a way.
- The crossdraw holster reduces the chances of getting attacked from the rear side of the person. Since the holster covers the maximum part of the body, it protects the body.
- Also, a revolver is the best option to be carried in the holster.
- There is a variety of holsters available in the market. But the safety, effectiveness, and experience of the crossdraw holster are some of the most appreciated. A professional shooter has a good idea to choose the best crossdraw holster.
- However, it is completely up to the owner of the gun, or the shooter to pick the gun holster. Be it any kind of holster, the shooter has a good idea of the kind of holster to choose for his gun.
Types of Crossdraw Holsters
There are different types of crossdraw holsters available for different purposes. Some of them are:
- Relentless tactical ultimate leather crossdraw holster: this holster is made of pure leather and is open-ended.
- Comp-Tac International Crossdraw holster: this is a simple and lightweight designed holster. It fits almost all the models of pistols.
- DeSantis Sky Cop Crossdraw Holster: this is a fancy crossdraw holster. It has an adjustable retention screw. This holster is also fit for a lot of models of pistols
The shooter hence has a lot of options of gun holsters to choose for their pistols.