Quick Maintenance Hacks For Coloured And Stamped Concrete Driveway

Have you got your concrete driveway coloured and stamped recently? It must be looking gorgeous. After you have invested in colouring and creating patterns on your concrete driveway, be sure of the fact that it is going to be the main focal point of your entrance for the guest. And you certainly do not want the appearance of your driveway to get compromised in any way, especially after such an investment.

So, all you need here is a checklist for maintaining your coloured concrete driveway. It is not rocket science. First, you need to understand the process of tinting the driveway briefly. And, then it will not be a big problem for you to resolve the maintenance issues on your own. Go through the following guideline to have a clear idea about the maintenance procedure.

Stamped and Coloured Driveway Parts

  • At first, the concrete slabs used for the driveway are stamped with a particular pattern.
  • Secondly, a primary colour is used to cover up the entire driveway.
  • The second coat of colour is used for highlighting particular areas and parts of the driveway.
  • Lastly, the sealer is used where necessary to accentuate specific areas of the driveway.

For a coloured concrete driveway, sealer plays the most crucial role as it is nothing, but a protective layer put on the driveway which protects the driveway stamp and colour from hazing, spots, and watermarks along with discolouration. So, using a sealer marks the very first step of maintaining the driveway.

Maintenance of Coloured Concrete Driveway

  1. Quit the thought of pressure washing your coloured concrete driveway as it will damage the sealer and therefore break the first protective shield of your driveway. Use a garden hose instead where the pressure is moderate, and you will be able to clean the driveway properly as well.
  2. Avoiding the contact of any acidic element for a coloured concrete driveway is highly recommended as a part of the maintenance. Acidic components affect the sealer very easily and break the layer of protection. For this reason, you have to keep the contact of salt and de-icers from the driveway as well. Also, the pet urine is very acidic and therefore quite hazardous for your stamped driveway. Keep that in mind as well.
  3. While cleaning the coloured concrete driveway with a garden hose, it is advised to use a mild cleaner along with that. It helps to remove the dirt build-up on the sealer without harming the paint or the stamp in any way. You may ask the professional driveway painters for the recommendation of the cleaner.
  4. Stains are the major enemies of your driveway and unfortunately, there is a lot of scope for such accidents. Try to clean up the stains of oil, grease, or petrol as soon as possible. If you give it time to settle in, the DIY cleaning techniques will not work then. The only way out in that situation would be the use of a re-sealer. Reseal it within 18-24 months to make sure your coloured concrete driveway does not lose its appeal.


So, these were some of the highlighting areas of maintaining the coloured and stamped driveway. Remember that your driveway will stay protected, clean, and new only if you can protect the sealer and change it on time. Take care of the patterns and follow this maintenance checklist religiously.